Day Eighteen August 30th: Was out late last night attending a small concert by Tom Russell with my sister-in-law and husband. It was fun... nice to get out.. however... this is how I looked this morning forcing my eyes open after dragging my butt out of bed. Serves me right as I am usually in bed between 9-10 pm every night and don't go drinking in bars and watching folk shows in a brilliant used bookstore downtown. However, it was a lot of fun. Time to brew more coffee!
Friday, August 30, 2013
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Day 17: Thurs Aug 29th - Running on Pillows
Day Seventeen August 29th: Wish there would have been more hours this morning. The day started so pretty and a bit cooler with a nice lofty breeze. Was able to run a little longer today since I work later in the morning on Thursday's. It was one of those mornings I wish I had no time commitments so I could just run till fell over with blissful exhaustion. The clouds above spotted the morning sky with huge pillows of puffiness. lol
Day 15: Tues Aug 27th - Sunflowers
Day Fifteen August 27th: This path leads to a pasture of horses. However, the dang farmer put up an additional barrier so we cannot get as close to them from the trail :( I never feed the horses, but love to go up and take photos. Guess I will have to do so from afar.
The wild sunflowers in this photo are beautiful and numerous. They are everywhere now. Small trails, large trails, deer trails... lol
The wild sunflowers in this photo are beautiful and numerous. They are everywhere now. Small trails, large trails, deer trails... lol
Day 14: Mon Aug 26th - Achilles and Yoga
Day Fourteen August 26th: One of my favorite places. I can see Autumn slowly creeping the hillside of the Rocky Mountains. We've had one of the hottest July and Augusts on record. I will not miss the 100+ degree temperatures! Bring on the cool breezes, storms... but hoping for a long Fall before the snows.
Feeling good so far day fourteen. My Achilles tendon isn't loving me all the time, but ice helps... and of course ibuprofen. I really thought running every day the same routes (for the most part) would be physically harder without recovery, but I feel like my body is adjusting to it. I started incorporating daily yoga for 20 minutes every night. This helps my hip flexors a bunch, but also helps me shake off the stress from the work day.
It's nice having the girls back in school (no more fighting). I love to hear how their day turned out once I pick them up from school or while I'm making dinner. We've been going to the farmers market each Sunday and picking up fruits, vegetables, bread, garlic and the best damn green salsa ever! I have really enjoyed cooking with fresh local produce. I wish I could get them to really enjoy more vegetables...they are missing out! So... I'm working on that ;)
Feeling good so far day fourteen. My Achilles tendon isn't loving me all the time, but ice helps... and of course ibuprofen. I really thought running every day the same routes (for the most part) would be physically harder without recovery, but I feel like my body is adjusting to it. I started incorporating daily yoga for 20 minutes every night. This helps my hip flexors a bunch, but also helps me shake off the stress from the work day.
It's nice having the girls back in school (no more fighting). I love to hear how their day turned out once I pick them up from school or while I'm making dinner. We've been going to the farmers market each Sunday and picking up fruits, vegetables, bread, garlic and the best damn green salsa ever! I have really enjoyed cooking with fresh local produce. I wish I could get them to really enjoy more vegetables...they are missing out! So... I'm working on that ;)
Day 8: Tues Aug 20th Run and Sniff
Day Eight August 20th: On the run recreational activity... stop, pee on a rock and then smell it. * I do not know WHY this date went out of order... like I said.. new at blogging! lol
Day 13: Sun Aug 25th Seeds are for the birds.
Day Thirteen August 25th:
Beautiful Sunday run with Izzy again. She brought along her peanut seed covered pine cone to hang on a tree for the birds. It was am ultra sunny muggy kind of day but so much fun! At the bottom of the trail I took a photo of a sunflower head that was in the dirt. Izzy made a frame around it to make it look special. Day 12: Sat Aug 24th Tree Beard
Day Twelve August 24th: Meet Tree Beard. Okay, well.. I can see him. I talk to him when I come down the first trail each morning. He is always there to listen or be peed on (by my dog of course :)
Day 11: Fri Aug 23rd. Bless Teachers
Day Eleven August 23rd: Dropped my girls off (4th and 6th grade) this morning, finishing up their first week of school. My oldest just started Middle School... which I have to admit caused me some angst, but she seems to have found her footing quickly and loves it. This is the first time our school district has integrated the 6th graders into middle school with 7th and 8th (9th now go to high school). So the arrangement is quite new. My youngest is loving her new teacher and classroom. I think she feels very comfortable knowing it's the same wonderful teacher her older sister had. Bless teachers. They are amazing. I personally do NOT have the patience to be a teacher.
Oh by the way... this is a beautiful photo of a flower (I need to identify) on the secondary higher trail this morning.
Oh by the way... this is a beautiful photo of a flower (I need to identify) on the secondary higher trail this morning.
Day 9: Wed Aug 21st Summer Skies
Day Nine August 21st: Is there such a thing as too many photos of the sky? I think... no. I took several this morning. So pretty with constant motion.
Day 7: Mon Aug 19th Sunrise Glow
Day Seven August 19th: I don't normally run at 5:45 am... but it's the first day of school for my girls and need to help them get ready. Quick run today, but the sky has such a wonderful glow to it this morning.
Day 6: Sun Aug 18th Beautiful Gnats
Day Six August 18th:
I first thought finding the right photo to snap each day would be a challenge. What I am finding is it is harder to restrain myself from taking multiple photos and stop / starting on my run. There is so much beauty here on the trail I run. I will need to Google this plant. It was striking. So bright and was quite tall. It has misted rain earlier so the smells of the trail, plants and river were fresh and wild in the air. So were the damn little gnats that for some reason like my hat.
I first thought finding the right photo to snap each day would be a challenge. What I am finding is it is harder to restrain myself from taking multiple photos and stop / starting on my run. There is so much beauty here on the trail I run. I will need to Google this plant. It was striking. So bright and was quite tall. It has misted rain earlier so the smells of the trail, plants and river were fresh and wild in the air. So were the damn little gnats that for some reason like my hat.
Day 5: Sat Aug 17th Mizunos
Day Five August 17th: Not much today... these are my big feet (size 11 in women's.. yikes!) But these big feet I am thankful for... and the Mizuno shoes that I love so much.
Day 4: Fri Aug 16th Natural Beauty
Day Four August 16th - Ran with my younger daughter Izzy today. She is great at noticing beauty. We passed this baby sunflower and couldn't resist a photo. By the way... I should note here that she is a much faster runner and paces herself really well.
Day 3: Thurs Aug 15th Foxy

Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Day 1: Tuesday August 13th 2013 It Begins
Day One August 13th: I've never done a blog before. Please pardon my mistakes, grammatical errors, goofiness and occasional profanity. :) Yesterday was my birthday. I turned 39. I'm a runner. Not fantastical and not fast. I simply run. I love to run. Pain or not, rain or shine, my dog or daughter by my side... or just me and my two feet hitting the trails. Today begins my quest. I will run every day in between now and my 40th birthday. Healthy or broken. I will run. Some days will be longer than others, but each day I will run. My goal, along side running each day for the next 365 days, is to take a photo of something beautiful, inspiring, interesting, funny or otherwise. It is to be present on my runs. To notice the world. I will post here each photo along my journey. Some will include notes, some novels, some interesting stories and boring ones... sometimes just a photo.
Wish me luck! ~ Peace
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