One Hundred-ten: Footprints Frozen in the Mud.
Where will you leave footprints today?
Saturday, November 30, 2013
Friday, November 29, 2013
Day 109: Fri Nov 29th - Flying with the Hawk
Flying with the Hawk
Beautiful sunny morning. Iz and I were followed for a bit by a hawk soaring, coming closer and circling above our heads.We could hear her soft call. And while we were probably interfering with her hunt as we watched her, she seemed quite peaceful and patient. A few minutes later, a large family ran by and the hawk disappeared, so we started off on the trail again, but soon after she was back flying low above our heads once again, slowly circling, dropping lower and calling again. We watched for several minutes and attempted a couple photos. A curious and cool moment. Also, we are thankful we don't look like mice!
Running blog,
Today's Run
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Day 108: Nov 28th - Thanksgiving
Day One Hundred-eight:
Happy Thanksgiving
from my feet (shoes) to yours!
Started off this beautiful and sunny
Thanksgiving morning running
with older daughter Siena.
It was a good distance and wasn't easy but
she was a trooper and made it with hardly a grumble,
as there were several long gnarly hills.
I couldn't think of a better way to
start a greatThanksgiving day.
(now to continue cooking :)
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Day 107: Wed Nov 27th - Afternoon running meditation
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Day 106: Tues Nov 26th - Frosty with Inversion Sprinkles
Day One Hundred-six:
Frosty with a sprinkle of inversion on top.
Got to love a crisp frosty morning, but I could do without the mucky air developing across the valley.
<<cough... cough...wheeze...wheeze>>
Ran a good clip though. It was cold initially but warmed quickly. Jax was full of energy as he bounded up this hill. It's a bugger. As much as I would like him to pull me up it, he just bounds up several feet, stops, looks at me, waits patiently for me to catch up, then bounds up more, waits, repeats until we get to the top. I like hills (even when at times I curse them). It feels good when you get to the top, out of breathe but more energized than ever.
"The battle of life is, in most cases, fought uphill; and to win it without a struggle were perhaps
to win it without honor. If there were no difficulties there would be no success; if there were
nothing to struggle for, there would be nothing to be achieved."
~ Samuel Smiles 1812-1904
Monday, November 25, 2013
Day 105: Mon Nov 25th = Crunch... crunch...crunch..
Running blog,
Today's Run
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Day 104: Sun Nov 24th - Hobbled Run
Day One Hundred-four:
Ran a bit hobbled and took it slow at the dog park trail today for a couple miles with the family. Knee is actually feeling much better as long as I don't twinge it or pivot. Jax was incorrigible, finding every reason to not listen, which was not helpful. However, he had fun with the zillion dogs and playing fetch in the river with a pink tennis ball he found.
Now tired, he's sitting at my side (smelling like wet dog) staring up at me with his big brown eyes, waiting patiently for his (late) breakfast. But first.... it's time for a spot of Irish Cream in my coffee. yummmmmmmmm

Saturday, November 23, 2013
Day 103: Sat Nov 23rd - Damn DOG! (hurt knee)
Day One Hundred-three:
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Example of what Jax looked like as he butt scooted across my carpet last night. |
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My calm reaction. |
Needless to say... my run today was quite painful!
Running blog,
Today's Run
Friday, November 22, 2013
Day 102: Fri Nov 22nd - Warm and fuzzy feelings from the Trail Front
Day One Hundred-two: Revenge of the Evil Thorns and more warm and fuzzy feelings from the trail front.
Wind storm plagued a large area of the region last night, though our little area must have had a dome around it. I didn't detect even the slightest breeze, while the news showed reports of 50-75 mph winds wrecking havoc. However, the thorn bushes from hell tumbled about last night and were right on our path, blocking parts of the trail. The dang things are dried out and the thorns sharp enough to bite my fingers through my gloves. Poor Jax's feet.... eventually had to get off the trail and find a different way about to protect his paws.
On another note, while running I kept thinking about time and my daughters. I thought about how much they have grown. It leaves a myriad of feelings when I think of them as a whole and individually. Happiness, pride, love, joy and wonder, but also touched with exhaustion, sadness and if I'm completely honest, sometimes fear.
Time ticks by, but often time feels like a super power storm cell, soaring past before I can catch my breathe, with arms stretched out trying to pull back the moment. I still struggle (and probably will always) to remind myself to take it slow each day. Try to enjoy all the little things. To be patient. To be kind. To be loving and let myself be loved (the hardest part sometimes).
Homework (especially learning about an important assignment due last minute....grrrrr), clothes to be washed, organizing schedules, dinner, cleaning, breakfast, getting hair combed, teeth brushed and all the other million little important things that gobble up moments each day. It's not easy to remember to take a deep breathe and just observe. To enjoy each quirk, goofiness and chaos, instead of telling them to be quiet. To listen intently and with purpose, instead of being distracted and in a hurry to <insert trivial thing that can almost certainly wait>.
I thought of this while I was running this morning and my eyes stinged.
The sadness comes from knowing that with time passing, each day they get older. Fear is letting go one millimeter at a time, knowing they must grow, slowly become independent, feel pain, sadness, happiness, joy, love, loss and everything in between for themselves.
So Celeste.... remember - each day you have moments of joy, love, humor, laughing and hugs. That is ultimately what is important. So chill it about the small stuff and enjoy this time. Be grateful and know you are blessed to be their mother..... just don't screw up.
On another note, while running I kept thinking about time and my daughters. I thought about how much they have grown. It leaves a myriad of feelings when I think of them as a whole and individually. Happiness, pride, love, joy and wonder, but also touched with exhaustion, sadness and if I'm completely honest, sometimes fear.
Time ticks by, but often time feels like a super power storm cell, soaring past before I can catch my breathe, with arms stretched out trying to pull back the moment. I still struggle (and probably will always) to remind myself to take it slow each day. Try to enjoy all the little things. To be patient. To be kind. To be loving and let myself be loved (the hardest part sometimes).
Homework (especially learning about an important assignment due last minute....grrrrr), clothes to be washed, organizing schedules, dinner, cleaning, breakfast, getting hair combed, teeth brushed and all the other million little important things that gobble up moments each day. It's not easy to remember to take a deep breathe and just observe. To enjoy each quirk, goofiness and chaos, instead of telling them to be quiet. To listen intently and with purpose, instead of being distracted and in a hurry to <insert trivial thing that can almost certainly wait>.
I thought of this while I was running this morning and my eyes stinged.
The sadness comes from knowing that with time passing, each day they get older. Fear is letting go one millimeter at a time, knowing they must grow, slowly become independent, feel pain, sadness, happiness, joy, love, loss and everything in between for themselves.
So Celeste.... remember - each day you have moments of joy, love, humor, laughing and hugs. That is ultimately what is important. So chill it about the small stuff and enjoy this time. Be grateful and know you are blessed to be their mother..... just don't screw up.
Running blog,
Today's Run
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Day 101: Thurs Nov 21st - Holy Batman it's Cold!
Day One Hundred-One: Holy Batman it's cold!
I don't know Batman, nor if he's holy, but I do know that it was pretty cold this morning running in sleet / rain / snow with only shorts, long sleeve tech shirt and (luckily) a pair of gloves I found.
It had been so mild lately that I failed to really check the weather, which is unusual for me, being the self-proclaimed weather nerd that I am.
My hair has also seen better days pre the 100 days before I started on this adventure. Now it's all about getting up early, getting kids ready, getting out the door, making the most of every minute out on my run and getting back just in time to shower, throw on work clothes, mango/kale smoothie and out the door with my still wet hair up in a ponytail. In fact, when I actually styled my hair for the funeral this past weekend, I was stunned to see how much longer it had grown. I almost didn't recognize myself.
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Property of the county water company. I have no idea what it used to be. |
I don't know Batman, nor if he's holy, but I do know that it was pretty cold this morning running in sleet / rain / snow with only shorts, long sleeve tech shirt and (luckily) a pair of gloves I found.
It had been so mild lately that I failed to really check the weather, which is unusual for me, being the self-proclaimed weather nerd that I am.
My hair has also seen better days pre the 100 days before I started on this adventure. Now it's all about getting up early, getting kids ready, getting out the door, making the most of every minute out on my run and getting back just in time to shower, throw on work clothes, mango/kale smoothie and out the door with my still wet hair up in a ponytail. In fact, when I actually styled my hair for the funeral this past weekend, I was stunned to see how much longer it had grown. I almost didn't recognize myself.
Running blog,
Today's Run
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Day 99: Tues Nov 19th - Mild days and mountain snow
Day Ninety-nine: Mild days and mountain snow.
It feels like Spring outside. The temperatures are mild and beautiful. I actually hear birds chirping, felt rain drops (while running) and see many flowers still hanging about..... while also spying people putting up holiday decorations and lights, Christmas carols on the radio and talk of shopping for gifts. However, for my brain this equals = seasonal confusion. I'm not complaining mind you. I like not having to shovel and the mountains are still getting a good amount of snow (as per the news). But while the holidays are nearing, it feels somewhat off. I'm sure before long however, I will be longing for these 'mild' days while my hands and nose are frozen and my shoes are crunching the icy frozen, salty ground.
It feels like Spring outside. The temperatures are mild and beautiful. I actually hear birds chirping, felt rain drops (while running) and see many flowers still hanging about..... while also spying people putting up holiday decorations and lights, Christmas carols on the radio and talk of shopping for gifts. However, for my brain this equals = seasonal confusion. I'm not complaining mind you. I like not having to shovel and the mountains are still getting a good amount of snow (as per the news). But while the holidays are nearing, it feels somewhat off. I'm sure before long however, I will be longing for these 'mild' days while my hands and nose are frozen and my shoes are crunching the icy frozen, salty ground.
Monday, November 18, 2013
Day 98: Mon Nov 18th - So I went for a run....
Day Ninety-eight: "So I went for a run...." (I love this)

Sunday, November 17, 2013
Day 97: Sun Nov 17th - Sunday Morning
Day Ninety-seven: Sunday Morning
Went running with my girls and Jax. They did a great job maintaining a consistent pace, no complaints and afterwards they both exclaimed they had a great time and enjoyed being in the forest. Jax had a ball playing with the many dogs on the trail, butt sniffing and jumping in and out of the river. Perfect Sunday morning.
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Day 96: Sat Nov 16th - For Grandma
Day Ninety-six: For Grandma
Been a busy past few days. Ran this morning before the funeral, missing her.
Have had a nice time hanging out with my Dad who came into town.
It was a nice service, if a bit cold outside.
We will miss you Grandma.
Been a busy past few days. Ran this morning before the funeral, missing her.
Have had a nice time hanging out with my Dad who came into town.
It was a nice service, if a bit cold outside.
We will miss you Grandma.
Day 95: Fri Nov 15th - Medusa Tree
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Day 94: Thurs Nov 14th - Lasy days of Autumn
Day Ninety-four: Last days of Autumn, Winter is on it's way!
This has been a beautiful and long-ish Autumn. Snow storm on the horizon. They say it will be here Saturday through Sunday with possible lake effect snow.
Gone will be the 60 degree days that I have enjoyed tremendously.
Busy weekend planned with family, Grandmothers funeral and hanging out with Dad.
This has been a beautiful and long-ish Autumn. Snow storm on the horizon. They say it will be here Saturday through Sunday with possible lake effect snow.
Gone will be the 60 degree days that I have enjoyed tremendously.
Busy weekend planned with family, Grandmothers funeral and hanging out with Dad.
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Grandmothers beautiful smile. We will miss you. |
Running blog,
Today's Run,
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Day 93: Wed Nov 13th - Mornings Alive - fluffy stuff
Day Ninety-three: Mornings Alive (warning.... incoming fluffy stuff)
I love mornings when I feel so happy to be awake and alive. I imagine part of it is the loss of a loved one that gives way to introspective thoughts and feelings about life, but it's also a reminder that time is short, years fly by and it's important to remind ourselves to live our best with love and kindness whenever possible. What is fabulous about each morning when the sun rises, is it is a new chance to do so.
I can admit that I have not always lived my life with love, patience and at times instead I have let selfishness and anger cloud my brain and heart, but I must remind myself to embrace family, friends, my children, husband and the things in my life I am fortunate to experience, as it is only moments we are guaranteed in life and how we choose to feel and live in those moments is 100% on us.
So today I choose love.
*family reading this are going to think I fell down while running and hit my head since I am not openly a fluffy-feeling person... but today I give myself permission to be :)
I love mornings when I feel so happy to be awake and alive. I imagine part of it is the loss of a loved one that gives way to introspective thoughts and feelings about life, but it's also a reminder that time is short, years fly by and it's important to remind ourselves to live our best with love and kindness whenever possible. What is fabulous about each morning when the sun rises, is it is a new chance to do so.
To shine, to smile and to be joyous.
So today I choose love.
*family reading this are going to think I fell down while running and hit my head since I am not openly a fluffy-feeling person... but today I give myself permission to be :)
Running blog,
Today's Run
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Day 92: Tues Nov12th - Angels and Starlight
Day Ninety-two: Angels and Starlight
Lost a great lady last night.
Silently ran this morning, thinking of her.
We will miss you dearly Grandma.
Monday, November 11, 2013
Day 91: Mon Nov 11th - Happy Birthday Jax!
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4 years old. |
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A present, a new toy! |
Fantastic run this morning. Despite a night of a bit (too much) beer, tailgating, and hanging out in the Real soccer supporters section - Real SL vs. Portland.
Woke up this morning anticipating a 'tired' run, but after about 5 minutes we were sailing. Afterwards went to breakfast, a bit of needed shopping and a couple pints.
Got to love a day off!
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Day 90: Sun Nov 10th - Rosebud and Thorns
Day Ninety:
The Rosebud Who Could
or rather
Every Rose has it's Thorn......except this one.
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Rose blooming in near mid-Novmeber, despite icy mornings. |
Day ninety... 3 months, flew by, or rather ran by. LOL
Day Ninety,
Running blog,
Today's Run
Saturday, November 9, 2013
Day 89: Sat Nov 9th - When life throws you a ball... play with it!
Day Eighty-nine: "When life throws you a ball... play with it!"
Words from Jax himself ;) Found a ball running today. I should say Jax actually found the light blue ball, covered in a pile of leaves on the side of the road. We spotted it, he nosed it, then I gave him the 'okay' to pick it up. He swooped down and grabbed it in his mouth with playful excitement and went back to running, tail wagging high with pride. I love that dogs remind us to live and love the simple things, because really it is the simple things and moments in life that bring us the most joy.
Words from Jax himself ;) Found a ball running today. I should say Jax actually found the light blue ball, covered in a pile of leaves on the side of the road. We spotted it, he nosed it, then I gave him the 'okay' to pick it up. He swooped down and grabbed it in his mouth with playful excitement and went back to running, tail wagging high with pride. I love that dogs remind us to live and love the simple things, because really it is the simple things and moments in life that bring us the most joy.
Running blog,
Simple moments,
Today's Run
Day 88: Fri Nov 8th - Spooky Night Run
Day Eighty-eight: Running at night is a big headache.
Okay, not really. I actually enjoy it. However, yesterday I waited till after work to run as I was battling a headache all day, and it gets dark early. So grabbed the fam and went to the trail and did a light run in the dark with flashlights. It spooked the girls a bit but it was fun to include them in experiencing the changes nightfall brings to familiar places.
Okay, not really. I actually enjoy it. However, yesterday I waited till after work to run as I was battling a headache all day, and it gets dark early. So grabbed the fam and went to the trail and did a light run in the dark with flashlights. It spooked the girls a bit but it was fun to include them in experiencing the changes nightfall brings to familiar places.
Running blog,
Today's Run
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Day 87: Thurs Nov 7th - River Runs Wild
Day Eighty-seven: River runs wild....again...for a moment.
The river has been silent and empty lately. My run was sore today. Yesterday was a very active day on my feet with no breaks - and of course running before the busy day didn't help.
So today my feet protested a bit. I ran slow, took it easy. One headphone in for motivation and beat, the other ear listening to anything and everything, one foot at a time.
Coming around the bend the silence in my right ear was suddenly filled with a rushing noise that I couldn't place. I stopped. Jax circled around himself, curious as well. Taking out my left ear bud I listened as the white noise became louder. For a moment I was confused and couldn't place it. I looked toward the sky ( my first panic thought was a plane was on it's way, falling from the sky and ready to smash me into the trail... I have a bit of a plane phobia. And yes I am being a little on the dramatic side, as it was loud... but not imminent-demise-plane-falling-from-the-sky loud).
Seeing nothing, we ran over to the bridge and became witness to the river unleashing. It was as if someone had been holding the water hostage (the dam is miles away by the mountain base) and then with a countdown of 1...2....3... it roared to life (a sound I miss). I could see the winding front in the distance, the water snaking it's way quickly across the rocks and boulders heading West. Carrying with it was mounds of debris that tumbled and rolled along. Going across to the other side of the bridge, the river behind was full of water topping it's banks, racing super fast and pushing over the mini fall underneath our feet with a loud ....well, ya know... the loud river roaring under a bridge sound. Needless to say, it's power was pretty cool.
The river has been silent and empty lately. My run was sore today. Yesterday was a very active day on my feet with no breaks - and of course running before the busy day didn't help.
So today my feet protested a bit. I ran slow, took it easy. One headphone in for motivation and beat, the other ear listening to anything and everything, one foot at a time.
Coming around the bend the silence in my right ear was suddenly filled with a rushing noise that I couldn't place. I stopped. Jax circled around himself, curious as well. Taking out my left ear bud I listened as the white noise became louder. For a moment I was confused and couldn't place it. I looked toward the sky ( my first panic thought was a plane was on it's way, falling from the sky and ready to smash me into the trail... I have a bit of a plane phobia. And yes I am being a little on the dramatic side, as it was loud... but not imminent-demise-plane-falling-from-the-sky loud).
Seeing nothing, we ran over to the bridge and became witness to the river unleashing. It was as if someone had been holding the water hostage (the dam is miles away by the mountain base) and then with a countdown of 1...2....3... it roared to life (a sound I miss). I could see the winding front in the distance, the water snaking it's way quickly across the rocks and boulders heading West. Carrying with it was mounds of debris that tumbled and rolled along. Going across to the other side of the bridge, the river behind was full of water topping it's banks, racing super fast and pushing over the mini fall underneath our feet with a loud ....well, ya know... the loud river roaring under a bridge sound. Needless to say, it's power was pretty cool.
Running blog,
White Noise
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Day 86: Wed Nov 6th - Positive Bull%@#
Day Eighty-six: Positive Bull!@#
Great run this morning... as for the rest of the day ----->
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Day 85: Tues Nov 5th - Snowy Cold
Day Eighty-five: Snowy cold and new phone app.
It is definitely November. Snowy and cold this morning. Though the sidewalks were quite slippery, the road had good traction. The trail was nice as the snow lightly covered over the usual rocky terrain and added a softness to each footfall. Jax loved it. I had to keep reminding him to slow down. I think he wanted to sprint off and play in the snowy goodness of the new season.
I downloaded a new phone photo app I wanted to try out... hence the new fun type picture.
I think it came out quite nicely.
Monday, November 4, 2013
Day 84: Mon Nov 4th - Where Art and Nature Collide

Where art and nature collide.
Today I decided to venture off the trail l I've been on a bazillion times and head towards the large rocks at the rivers edge, wanting to extend my run and shake up the routine a bit. Coming down a steep short incline I ran right into a scenic hideaway I didn't even know existed.
The holy Mecca of graffiti painted boulders!
Normally I would cringe at such markups on natures perfect surface, but today I decided to look deeper. Spent several minutes walking around the massive rocks, reading and marveling the expressions and talent. The art here tells a story, or rather stories. I saw anger, defiance, rebellion... but also saw love, awesomeness and beauty.
I should have brought a Sharpie :) 
Running blog,
Today's Run
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Day 83: Sun Nov 3rd - Fall Back in the Fall
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Pure Happiness |

Extra hour in the fall is nice.
Slept in a bit then went running as a family at the large dog park / river trail.
Jax and Izzy loved playing in the first snow fall of the season. It was beautiful. Even in snow boots (which she insisted on wearing), Izzy kept up a good pace.
Saturday, November 2, 2013
Day 82: Sat Nov 2nd - Bark Hill
Day Eighty-two: Thorns of life... and a bark hill.
I've decided.... Life is not supposed to make sense.Things that I think I know, change. Things I thought I knew... I was wrong. So I have decided to stop struggling against the tide of life and just go with the flow. Life is good and we are blessed. We just have to look for the beautiful moments. They are everywhere.
Finding faults in life is easy. Doing something about them can be a challenge. But the true struggle I see in myself is finding the beauty of life on a consistent basis. I have to remind myself that I can 'choose' happiness. I can 'see' beauty and love the experience.
I think it was Wayne Dyer who quoted in one of his books....
"What we focus on expands."
Which, when you think about it, makes complete sense.
Today on my run I started off grumbling about this and that. Complaining in my head about things in life that are unfair. Seeing the lack. After a mile of negative self talk, Jax and I came upon this hill of bark. Right in the middle of nothing really. I stared annoyed at first (not sure why), however Jax thought it was super exciting! He spotted the hill quickly from a distance (being that it was completely out of the ordinary on our ordinary running path) and bounded up the hill (pulling me along until I let go). He began pouncing in the bark, digging, jumping around and appeared completely content with where he was in that exact moment.
You could feel his joy. He simply saw a hill, lived in the moment and was happy.
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I think this is a good look for him..... |
Finding faults in life is easy. Doing something about them can be a challenge. But the true struggle I see in myself is finding the beauty of life on a consistent basis. I have to remind myself that I can 'choose' happiness. I can 'see' beauty and love the experience.
I think it was Wayne Dyer who quoted in one of his books....
"What we focus on expands."
Which, when you think about it, makes complete sense.
Today on my run I started off grumbling about this and that. Complaining in my head about things in life that are unfair. Seeing the lack. After a mile of negative self talk, Jax and I came upon this hill of bark. Right in the middle of nothing really. I stared annoyed at first (not sure why), however Jax thought it was super exciting! He spotted the hill quickly from a distance (being that it was completely out of the ordinary on our ordinary running path) and bounded up the hill (pulling me along until I let go). He began pouncing in the bark, digging, jumping around and appeared completely content with where he was in that exact moment.
You could feel his joy. He simply saw a hill, lived in the moment and was happy.
Okay, now after writing the above, I know what I really want.
I want to be a dog.
Running blog,
Today's Run
Friday, November 1, 2013
Day 81: Fri Nov 1st - Gazelles vs Lions
Day Eighty-one: Today I would have been eaten by the gazelle and stomped on by the hooves of the lion. My only least I ran.
HOWEVER....this is SO true!
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