Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Day 113: Tues Dec 3rd - "Oh the weather outside is frightful..."

Day One Hundred-thirteen -
"Oh the weather outside is frightful...."
Beautiful run, but a bit on the chilly side. ;)   
Jax was psyched!  I let him take off on the trail and he pranced and jumped around in the snow like a puppy seeing it for the first time. Sprinting ahead, burying his nose in the fresh snow, shaking off his fur, sliding around the icy spots and sprinting ahead once again. So fun!  I love fresh snow.  Not only is it peaceful and pretty to look at, fresh snow has good traction to run on.  Certainly a lot less slippery than the slush, ice or parts on the road.  Though I might need to waterproof my shoes... they were soaked by the time we made it back home. I wonder if they make Ugg running shoes??!  They should!  
Jax looking down the trail. I wonder what he is thinking?  

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