Day Fifty-four:
Time is funny. I blink and it's morning - again. I rise. I shake off the sleepiness while pulling down my down comforter (definitely the hardest part). I pull on my running clothes, brush my teeth, get a big drink of water and creak down the stairs daintily, warning my
my Achilles to behave and loosen up. Next I grab my hat, my mp3 (one ear in, one ear out so I can hear traffic and coyotes...not really... lol), Spibelt on, key, phone (for photos), my miss-match gloves, jacket and lastly I harness up Jax.
This is the second small struggle each morning.... getting Jax ready.
Waking him up is not easy. Jax (yellow lab, 4 years old) likes to pretend I am not calling his name, while I put on my gear. "Come on buddy, let's go..." Each morning, still he stays, curled in a ball on his cozy dog bed. He blinks at me slowly, keeping his head on it's resting place atop his paws. His sleepy eyes look in my direction to see if I'm still there. I give him an excited "Come on Jax...let's go!" He blinks again, darts his eyes away, then looks my way one more time. I give him 'the look'... finally he stirs. He gets up with a dog audible sigh, stretches and slowly (very slowly mind you) walks with his head down toward the door. I put his running harness on, throw the newspaper in the house and out the door we go. By this time his tail is wagging excitedly behind as we head down the road.
This is our morning ritual....
and I love it.
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