Day Seventy-seven: Tale of two brains.
Brain One: Let's go!
Brain Two: Really?? Again? What are you doing?
Brain One: Shut it. It is beautiful outside.
(pulls out phone, takes photo of sunrise and yellow clouds)
(pulls out phone, takes photo of sunrise and yellow clouds)
Brain Two: It's windy, your contacts will get dust in them. Your legs are tired. You...
Brain One: Enough.
Brain Two: Seriously, you don't have to prove anything.
Brain One: Just because. I don't have a reason. I just love it.
Brain Two: Watch it! (tripping on a rock) See... you're tired.
Brain One: Be quiet... geez! I'm trying to focus.
(ladies walking dog off leash, Jax breaks concentration and pulls to take a butt sniff)
Brain Two: Grrrrrr those ladies should have their dogs on leash! I wonder if they will pick up their poop.
Brain One: Be nice. They are walking in the woods, kicking the leaves, it is beautiful... it's okay.
Brain Two: Look.... fresh poo... I wonder if it is from them. Grrrrr

Brain Two: *grumble*
Brain One: I love this song. (steps up the pace)
Brain Two: Oh look... the ladies again. Same dang dogs. Why don't people follow the rules.. this isn't off leash.
Brain One: Look how beautiful this path is. I should take a picture.
Brain Two: How many photos do you need??
Brain One: I could snap a zillion photos. Like this one (taking photo of a purple flower).
Brain Two: Okay... maybe it's nice. But take it easy.
Brain Two: You're right.
Brain One: I feel great. Those inserts are really helping my feet.
(pushing repeat on awesome song)
I feel alive and happy. This is why I do it.
Brain Two: It doesn't make sense.
Brain One: It makes sense to me.
Did you get the Orthoheel Regular inserts I recommended? Whatever you got, I'm glad they're working.
ReplyDeleteHappy running....
Yep, I got them. They have worked great! Thanks again for the suggestion :)